First Person Plural: EI & Beyond
First Person Plural: EI & Beyond
Dan Harris: The Painful Treasure of Self Awareness
An author, podcaster and entrepreneur Dan Harris (@danbharris) spent 21 years as an anchor and correspondent for ABC News, hosting such shows as Nightline and the weekend editions of Good Morning America. Dan has reported from all over the world covering wars in Afghanistan and Iraq, and producing investigative reports in Haiti,Cambodia, and the Amazon.
After having a nationally televised panic attack on Good Morning America, Dan discovered meditation and he went on to write the best selling book 10% Happier: How I Tamed the Voice in My Head, Reduced Stress Without Losing My Edge, and Found Self-Help That Actually Works--A True Story. This marked the beginning of Harris' transition from a media icon to a mindfulness expert.
The book was a welcome contribution to the mindfulness movement, as it provided a way for meditation skeptics like Harris himself, to give the practice a shot. That first book led to the 10% Happier app, a second book and Dan's podcast, where he interviews celebrities, entrepreneurs, authors, scientists, and meditation teachers about how to do life better.
That's half the story. In this episode, you’ll hear Dan talk about how other people see you, and how that fits or doesn't fit with how you see yourself.
That's another kind of self awareness and self discovery that is both painful —and a rare treasure —to get that information.
Daniel Goleman talks about his Emotional Intelligence Courses, available at danielgolemanemotionalintelligence.com